Walsall FIS offers up-to-date information,
advice and help on services for families in Walsall.

Childcare in Walsall

Welcome to the childcare section of the website. You can use the Quick Links in the toolbar at the top of the page to get information on finding, choosing and paying for childcare.

What is Childcare?

There are lots of different types of childcare that you can use depending on your situation and need.

  • Childminders;

  • Day nurseries;

  • Out of school clubs;

  • Holiday playschemes;

  • Crèches;

  • Playgroups.

Childcare can help if you want to work, study or just need time to do other things. There are pros and cons for each type of childcare. Please visit the Choosing the right care page to find out more.

If you know what you are looking for, then you can search for the right childcare for your family by contacting us on 01922 653383 or emailing walsallfis@walsall.gov.uk 

The cost of the care varies from setting to setting, but you can find out ways to help towards these costs by visiting our Paying for childcare page.

Walsall FIS only provide information on registered childcare. This means that the setting have met the legal requirements to register with Ofsted, the government organisation who register and inspect settings.

To find out more about the registration process, please visit the Ofsted website.

If you do not think you needs formal childcare, but are looking for ways to help your child develop, please visit our Things to do in Walsall pages.


Childcare Sufficency

Walsall has undertaken a full assessment of all Early Years Childcare across the borough, Read our sufficency assessment here